Lasik eye surgery is a popular surgery for many reasons. It’s a safe and effective treatment that can improve vision in many cases, but it doesn’t affect the color, shape, or size of your eyes. If you want to change any aspect of your appearance after Lasik surgery (like changing your eye color), there are other options available to you.

The shape of the person’s cornea gets affected 

The shape of the person’s cornea affects how light is focused on the eye. The cornea is a clear layer on the front of your eye that focuses light onto an interior lens called the iris, which allows you to see clearly.

Your cornea is shaped like a dome and curves inward towards its base or root. This curve helps focus images onto your retina so they can be seen by your brain (the part behind your eyeball).

Lasik does not change the color, shape, or size of the eyes

It is important to note that Lasik does not change the color, shape, or size of the eyes. Lasik surgery is a safe surgery that has helped millions of people see clearly without glasses.

Lasik is an effective treatment from for vision correction and can improve your sight after one treatment session at [the clinic]. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea using a laser tool to remove excess tissue from its surface so that light enters more easily through your pupil and into your retina (the back part of your eye).

People can go for colored contact lenses

You can also change the color of your eyes by using colored contact lenses. Contact lenses are small, clear plastic disks inserted into the tear ducts at the corners of your eyes. They come in many different colors and shapes, so you may be able to find an option that works for you.

Contact lenses are safe and easy to use, but they do require some care. Follow all safety recommendations your eye doctor provides before inserting any lens in the eye(s). This means wearing protective goggles and gloves when handling any lens (including contact) during surgery or aftercare treatment; not touching them with bare hands; keeping them clean by washing off dirt and dust with soap & water every day; not sharing them with anyone else unless told otherwise by a doctor. 

Lasik is a safe surgery that has helped millions 

Lasik is a safe, effective, and immediate surgery that can help you see clearly without glasses. It’s also not painful and has few side effects.

A person who has undergone laser eye surgery will likely see better than before because their eyesight has been corrected to correct vision problems caused by refractive error (an optical condition in which light travels through the cornea or lens at different angles). This type of correction is called “laser-assisted cataract surgery,” or LASIK for short.

The procedure takes less than five minutes per eye on average; however, some patients have reported having their eyes closed while they wait for the surgeon’s assistant to perform an instrument checkup before administering anesthesia so that they don’t feel any pain during this period either!

If you have any questions about lasik surgery or would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.